Friday, September 3, 2010

I managed to get most of 2 weeks worth of food yesterday, and put a lot of the non-vege fresh stuff in the freezer of course. It's actually nice to have a decent amount of food in the house for a change, and there's a local fruits & vege shop where I'll be able to get stuff as needed.

From the looks of things, I'll be stuck at home for the next couple of days hopefully getting better. With a little luck I'll pretty much be back to at least 80-90% by Sunday, so I can go back to work on Monday.

I've been reading through some of the discussions on Reddit about people begging for money there, I'm not surprised people are upset about them or just assume a lot of the posts are just people trying to scam money. This post popped up a couple after someone else was asking for help paying rent here, claiming that he/she got $944 in donations via Paypal. (Knowing Reddit there's a good chance he/she did get that amount of money!).

I can't help feeling I'd be knocked back very quickly if I requested any help from Reddit. Which is a pity as even one or two additional people using my Amazon links on a regular bases would make the world of difference to me financially. (Most of the people who use my Amazon links are people I know in real life, with a couple of expectations, who understand that I really am sick a lot of the time and any extra money usually makes the difference between being able to pay off bills/rent or not.

No I don't have any extras, I get free Internet via my brother, I don't have cable or pay TV of any sort, I have a pre-paid cell phone I'm careful not to use much, and I'm careful where I buy my food - go for specials and buying fruit & veges from fruit/vege shops rather than at the supermarket. Plus I know where the food banks are, for months I simply can't afford to buy food at all.

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