Monday, August 30, 2010


I currently work in a public hospital as a HCA temp, meaning I can work when I'm well enough and take time off when I'm sick or when I'm doing something else. It's well enough paid that if I was able to work at least 4-5 8 hour shifts there each and every week I'd be solidly in the middle income wise, (unfortunately I don't work as much as I'd like :( ).

Job wise it can be really easy and really bad, as half time I'm looking after psych or dementia patients one on one. (The psych patients tend to be people who have just attempted suicide or have come in other medical reasons and have to have at least one person with them 24/7. A lot of dementia patients tend to be really good/easy, as my main job to make sure they don't wander off and get lost :)

I'm currently reading a book a friend recommended, and as soon as I spotted it in the library I jumped on it. It's Drood by Dan Simmons ans it is really good, the sole problem I've been having with it is it's very long at well over 700 pages, very dense and it's taking me longer than I'm used to to read, as I'm actually haveing to sit there and it proberly rather than rush through like I do with a lot of books. It's a fictional account of Charles Dicken's life after he is in a fatal train crash, (he was in the only first class craggage that didn't go over the bridge in the crass), as told by one of closest friends and involves the main character in the book he started to write before he died a few years later, called Edwin Drood. It's something of a real life story, crossed with a horror and what if story. link - Drood link - Drood link - Drood: A Novel

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